Image panel list - gallery 4 columns

This illustrates using the image panel list as an image gallery, 4 columns

Gallery Panel -1

Hide Headline, only panel summary is shown. 

Gallery Panel - Show title

Gallery Panel - Show title

Gallery Panel - 5

Gallery Panel - 5

Vestibulum vitae turpis facilisis, interdum sapien vel, vestibulum orci. Aliquam mauris augue, ultricies non vestibulum gravida, maximus ut ante. Phasellus mattis rhoncus pellentesque. Nulla facilisis dictum eros, vel maximus ligula. Ut nec dignissim ex. Sed gravida dapibus placerat. Morbi vestibulum eget ipsum vel tempor.

Gallery Panel - 7
Gallery Panel - 2

Gallery Panel - 2

Nulla vitae pharetra diam. Donec accumsan hendrerit posuere.

Gallery Panel - 4

Gallery Panel - 4

Gallery Panel - 6

Gallery Panel - 6

Image panel list - gallery

Constrain the images to a square aspect, 3 columns

Gallery Panel - 2

Gallery Panel - 2

Nulla vitae pharetra diam. Donec accumsan hendrerit posuere.

Gallery Panel - 4

Gallery Panel - 4

Gallery Panel - 5

Gallery Panel - 5

Vestibulum vitae turpis facilisis, interdum sapien vel, vestibulum orci. Aliquam mauris augue, ultricies non vestibulum gravida, maximus ut ante. Phasellus mattis rhoncus pellentesque. Nulla facilisis dictum eros, vel maximus ligula. Ut nec dignissim ex. Sed gravida dapibus placerat. Morbi vestibulum eget ipsum vel tempor.

Gallery Panel - 6

Gallery Panel - 6

Gallery Panel -1

Hide Headline, only panel summary is shown. 

Gallery Panel - Show title

Gallery Panel - Show title

Gallery Panel - 7

Image Panel List - 3 column - landscape

The image panel list Content Type can display a number of Image panels with configurable columns display. a group title and description.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.



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