Countdown timers
Timers can count down to events dates or any arbitrary date.
There are 3 styles:
- Basic
- Circle
- Flip
Rings style countdown
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lacinia tincidunt tellus id hendrerit. Vestibulum in finibus eros. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum lectus nibh, venenatis at vehicula eu, posuere nec lacus. Maecenas felis leo, sodales vitae dignissim at, egestas et neque. Sed at sapien laoreet, molestie eros quis, blandit diam. Duis cursus porta magna, sit amet sodales felis molestie vel. Suspendisse potenti.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lacinia tincidunt tellus id hendrerit. Vestibulum in finibus eros. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum lectus nibh, venenatis at vehicula eu, posuere nec lacus. Maecenas felis leo, sodales vitae dignissim at, egestas et neque. Sed at sapien laoreet, molestie eros quis, blandit diam. Duis cursus porta magna, sit amet sodales felis molestie vel. Suspendisse potenti.
Link buttons
These can be placed anywhere and will pick up the theme styling.
- Draw attention to a page or resource
- Either link to an internal site page or external URL
Link Menu
Link menus can additionally have images and descriptive text. They function as compact navigation tools which can be places anywhere in the page.
Location Map
The map will fill the width of its containing element.
The height in px can be set.
Event stats
Highlight key pieces of information about your event.
Optionally add icons to each item
Videos will fit to the width of their containers. Height can be set in px.
RSS Feed
RSS feeds pull content from external sources formatted as RSS XML
iFrames can embed content from external sites
Videos will fit to the width of their containers. Height can be set in px.
Twitter timelines
Set up a timeline for @username or use a search using #hastag